As I continue on this journey of completing five albums, I have noticed that the more I write the easier it gets. Some songs are terrible, but the great thing about consistently writing is that I am able to find a gem in the midst of the crap… LOL. My advise from all of this is to set your bar high and go after it with all you have. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks, just be the best you can possibly be… Be amazing! You will notice over time how much you have achieved. Believe me it is worth the effort and sacrifice. Work hard, play hard, love hard and Win! Life is too short to be mediocre. Have fun and have an amazing day!

3 thoughts on “Be your best!

  1. Love this. You inspire me. Great of not introducing a gem held me back. I like toys. I just need to write consistently, whether song or prose. Even if I produce a ton of cramp, somewhere in there I’ll find a gem.


  2. Love this. You inspire me. Fear of not producing a gem has held me back. I just need to write consistently, whether song or prose. Even if I produce a ton of crap, somewhere in there I’ll find a gem.


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